What are the fees for certification?

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There are various factors taken into consideration when calculating the fees for Halal certification, especially for SMIIC and UAE/GSO. They are: Number of HACCP plans

Can IFANCA refuse to grant a halal certificate?

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IFANCA may refuse a halal certification application or refuse to issue a document verifying compliance with the halal requirements if: The client either neglects, or

What is the policy for maintaining, extending, and renewing the halal certificate?

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To maintain the halal certificate, the client must continue complying with the halal requirements. IFANCA may conduct surveillance audits to ensure that the facility continues

What is the policy on suspension, withdrawal, or reduction of the halal certification?

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The halal certification may be suspended if: The client persistently or seriously fails to meet the halal certification requirements. The client refuses to allow IFANCA

What is the procedure for suspension, withdrawal, reduction, maintenance, extension, or renewal of a halal certificate?

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All issues related to suspension, withdrawal, or reduction are reviewed by the Halal Certification Committee of IFANCA. The Halal Certification Committee is responsible for making

How can I request information, file a complaint, or submit an appeal?

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IFANCA is committed to keeping clients informed about various aspects of certification activities and is always open to questions and requests for information. Should any

Is IFANCA’s certification process impartial?

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IFANCA operates under a stringent impartiality policy, implementing robust mechanisms to safeguard its impartiality. All risks that could potentially compromise this impartiality have been identified,