Food & Beverage Exhibition held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mohammed Sadek
Malaysia, the world leader in the implementation of Halal standards was the site of a recent International Food & Beverage Exhibition, which was organized by the FORUM EXPOSITION OF MALAYSIA from September 14 – 17, 2000 at the Kuala Lumpur World Pu trade Center in the heart of the city. The event was supported and endorsed by IFANCA International as well as the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture.
The Exhibition was officially opened by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Datuk Abdul Kadir Hj. Sheikh Fadzir. IFANCA was represented at this occasion by Dr. Hj. Mohammed Sadek, Director for International Activities. The honorable Minister later stopped by IFANCA booth and had a chat with Dr. Sadek. He was eager to know about IFANCA and its services. Datuk Abdul Kadir was impressed by IFANCA expertise. He appreciated the role, IFANCA plays in promoting Halal worldwide.
IFANCA was privileged to have a prominent position and a strategically located booth at the Exhibition that countless people visited the booth, curious to know about this organization from America. The crowds attracted the attention of news reporters from local papers, putting Dr. Sadek under the lights and cameras. A story about IFANCA and Dr. Sadek was featured in the local daily paper.
Our participation in the F & B Exhibition was an astounding success in increasing IFANCA awareness in Malaysia. [MS]