Editor’s Note
Naazish YarKhan
Assalamu Alaikum
With every New Year come New Year’s Resolutions. In this issue, we want to help you get 2012 started on the right foot. Besides exercise, what you feed your body makes all the difference. That’s why our first recommendation is Demystifying Food Labels. We also look at what makes Foods of Paradise so truly beneficial to our health. Whether it’s Drinking Your Way to Wellness, and we’re talking about water, of course, or Portion Control, we want to help you make good health a priority.
There’s no better way to get kids on the bandwagon, than having them be part of the process. That’s why we’re doing Halal & Nutrition Workshops—At a Venue Near You. We also want youngsters to learn what goes into creating a meal. We hope desserts, with a dash of culture and geography, will be incentive enough to bring Kids in the Kitchen. Most importantly, we have an eye-opening article on how each of us can Waste Not, Want Not when it comes to food.
As a publication of IFANCA, a halal certification agency, we’re always looking to introduce consumers to halal certified products that are sold right here in the USA. Check out why It’s Great For You and enjoy A Splash of Hazelnut Syrup.
Last but not the least, get a copy of Halal Consumer magazine, delivered right to your home. Sign up for a free subscription. Make Halal Consumer magazine your source for all things halal and healthy.
Naazish YarKhan, managing editor