Ever since its launch in 2002, Enjoy Life Foods has been dedicated to meeting the needs of consumers with food allergies and other dietary restrictions. All its products are free from fourteen common allergens: wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, casein, soy, egg, sesame, sulfites, lupin, mustard, fish, shellfish, and crustaceans. Its products are also certified gluten-free and non-GMO, and many are halal certified as well. Most of the company’s products are manufactured at their bakery in Jeffersonville, Indiana, the largest allergy-friendly bakery in the United States.

Enjoy Life is constantly working to improve its products, which is why the company changed its packaging in 2021 to contemporize the Enjoy Life logo and make product messaging clearer to customers. The team at Enjoy Life also works hard to keep in touch with customers. They are open to hearing ideas, answering questions about ingredients, and helping consumers make sure that a product meets their needs. Enjoy Life Foods also supports transparency and uses different on-pack claims and third-party certifications to let consumers know what is and isn’t in its products. The company also wants to make it easy for consumers to learn about a product’s ingredients, and its website has an online glossary of ingredients with information about what each item is.

Enjoy Life takes the risk of cross-contamination extremely seriously and has a stringent process designed to ensure that all products remain free from potential allergens. The first step is sending a survey to ingredient suppliers to learn about what potential allergy risks come from their production facilities. According to Enjoy Life representatives, this allows the company to “design [its] on-site lab program to use proven testing methods to test individual lots of received ingredients as an assurance that they do not surpass detectable thresholds of allergens.” Enjoy Life also ensures its personnel are well trained in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and has strict requirements about what food employees can bring into the building. These processes and restrictions are designed to ensure that all Enjoy Life products remain gluten-free and free of the fourteen major allergens.

Enjoy Life Foods is also committed to sustainability. This commitment involves making each step of the production process more sustainable through actions such as creating purchasing guidelines to help ensure sustainable sourcing from vendors, implementing employee sustainability tools, measuring waste reduction, and rewarding improvements in reducing waste. Company representatives also note that “the environmental management systems at Enjoy Life Foods LLC are one of hundreds of Mondelēz Global LLC manufacturing facilities around the world that have now achieved third-party certification to ISO 14001, a premier global standard that helps companies reduce environmental impacts.”

Enjoy Life Foods serves halal consumers by ensuring products that meet halal qualifications are certified by IFANCA. “[A]dding halal certification provides assurances to those keeping a halal diet—typically Muslim—that our products meet their dietary restrictions and have an agency they trust doing the overseeing,” said company representatives. This emphasis on halal certification also allows the company to make its products available to more consumers while demonstrating that it understands and values the needs of those following a halal diet. Halal consumers can find a list of IFANCA halal-certified products from Enjoy Life Foods in the table below. To purchase Enjoy Life products, check out the store locator on their website or order their products online and have them sent straight to your doorstep. Enjoy!


Some ENJOY LIFE FOODS Halal-Certified Products

Breakfast Ovals

  • Apple Cinnamon
  • Berry Medley
  • Chocolate Chip Banana
  • Maple Fig
Holiday Soft Baked Cookies

  • Apple Cider Donut
  • Peppermint Bark
Chewy Bars

  • Caramel Blondie
  • Carrot Cake
  • Lemon Blueberry Poppy Seed
  • SunSeed™ Crunch
Seed & Fruit Mix

  • Mountain Mambo®
Chocolate Protein Bites

  • Dark Raspberry
  • Dipped Banana
  • SunSeed™ Butter
Soft Baked Mini Cookies

  • Chocolate Chip
  • Double Chocolate Brownie
  • Snickerdoodle
Crunchy Mini Cookies

  • Chocolate Chip
  • Double Chocolate
  • Vanilla Honey Graham