With Ramadan upon us, images of sweet dates being passed around the room come to mind. This year, make halal-certified Bard Valley Natural Delights Medjool Dates your staple.

Situated where California and Arizona meet, Bard Valley is “home to the finest Medjool dates in the world.” Their Medjool dates, both conventional and organic, have been halal-certified for over three years.

Why would dates need to be certified halal? A lot goes into processed foods, even if we view them as “natural.” While it may seem that dates are not processed, they are not packaged and sold straight off the trees. Some processing is required, and halal certification means all processing, packaging, and plant chemicals have been scrutinized to meet halal requirements. Also, some plants may process foods that are not halal using the same equipment, creating an environment for cross-contamination. Bard Valley brand recognized these concerns and decided to take the steps necessary in order to receive halal certification. According to David Anderson, director of marketing for Natural Delights Medjool Dates, “We believe halal certification matters to this valued market segment.”

While there were no major changes that needed to be made, Anderson reveals, “We were very impressed, however, with the thoroughness of the halal certification process.”

All of Bard Valley’s Natural Delights Medjool Dates carry the Crescent-M logo, IFANCA’s symbol of halal compliance. You can find them in 80 percent of supermarkets in the United States, including Jewel, Kroger, Meijer, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, and Caputo’s. Use the Store Locator on their website for a location near you.


To explore Bard Valley, learn more about Natural Delights, and find delicious recipes, visit: www.naturaldelights.com

Bard Valley Natural Delights Medjool Dates are not only halal-certified but also certified Heart-Healthy by the American Heart Association.

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