Mail Bag
Halal Consumer Magazine
Note: All letters have been edited for clarity and brevity. Answers by Haider Khattak, Director, IFANCA Canada
Question: Salam, I know that halal food can be contaminated with pork, but can it also be contaminated with non-halal meat, i.e. non-halal chicken, beef etc? – Nur Shahid, Singapore
IFANCA Response: Dear Nur Shahid, Wa alaikum assalaamu wa rahmatullah. The answer is yes, halal food can be contaminated with non-halal meat. Halal food and/or Zabiha halal meat must always be separated to avoid cross contamination.
Question: Is there a fish oil product that is halal? I’d appreciate your help in trying to locate it. – Suyam, USA
IFANCA Response: Dear Suyam, Fish oil is halal. However, if fish oil is encapsulated as a softgel nutritional supplement then you need to check other critical ingredients as well, for instance gelatin. Gelatin is doubtful (Mashbooh) as it can be derived from pork, bovine and fish.
Question: Salam, Is resveratrol halal or haram? Thank you for helping me. – Hafrul, Malaysia
IFANCA Response: Dear Hafrul, Wa alaikum assalaamu wa rahmatullah. Resveratrol refers to a phytochemical produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Resveratrol is also produced by chemical synthesis and is sold as a nutritional supplement derived from Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica). The Islamic status of resveratrol is Halal.