HALVIT™ Brand HALAL Vitamins Available
Halal Consumer Magazine
PRODUCT PROFILES: SIA PHARMA LLC U.S.A. Make Halal Vitamins Available To The World
HalVit™ brand multivitamins manufactured by SIA Pharma LLC headquartered in Virginia, USA, have been certified as HALAL by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) since January 2004. SIA Pharma produces Halal Multivitamins for children and adults for Muslim (and non-Muslim) consumption worldwide, HalVit™ and HalVit-Jr™. Unlike the majority of Multivitamins manufactured and sold in the world, HalVit™ Halal Vitamins do not contain any alcohol or other questionable ingredients such as beef / pork gelatin or mono & Diglycerides from animal sources. After two years of constant research to find Halal alternate ingredients IFANCA found all of HalVit’s ingredients to have met IFANCA guidelines for Halal Certification. The nutritional value (%RDA) is comparable to any leading Multivitamin brand marketed to consumers. Moreover, HalVit TM Multivitamins are fortified with lycopene and lutein. Lycopene is an unsaturated carotenoid imparting red color to tomatoes, guava, rosehip, watermelon and pink grapefruit. Lycopene, an antioxidant, may help prevent cancer of the prostate and some other forms of cancer, heart disease, and other serious diseases (Lycopene, website). Lutein, an antioxidant, has benefits for eyes, skin and cardiovascular health. It is found in dark green leafy vegetables, fruit, corn and egg yolks (Lutein Information Bureau, website).
SIA Pharma is looking for distributors throughout the world, especially in the South East Asian markets. If interested contact them at the following website: SIA Pharma LLC at http://www.siapharma.com