Misprint in IslamOnline Article
On August 9, 2011, an online article about halal food market size mentioned IFANCA and some of its halal-certified companies. Included in this list is Crescent Foods, which is not an IFANCA halal-certified company. In order to correct this mistake, we have contacted the publishing website, IslamOnline.Net, twice, informing them of the misinformation. Unfortunately, the article has still not been corrected.
We would like to let halal consumers know about this situation, so that they are able to make informed buying decisions. In order to provide information about IFANCA halal-certified products (with current certification), IFANCA maintains an online product directory. Please use this directory for up-to-date listings on products that have been halal-certified by IFANCA.
We welcome any questions or feedback. You can easily reach us at our email: halal@ifanca.org.
Thank you,