IFANCA Is Proud to Be Lead Sponsor of Illinois Muslims Report
IFANCA is proud to be the lead sponsor of the historic Illinois Muslims Report! Illinois is home to the largest per capita population of Muslims in the United States. The report aims to provide a snapshot of this community. A snapshot of Illinois Muslims is a snapshot of America’s Muslims.
The Illinois Muslims Report was conducted by the IL Muslim Civic Coalition, the University of Illinois Chicago Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement, and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. Research spanned three years and consisted of surveys, focus groups, and shared input from Illinois Muslims.
This data shared in this report will provide a glimpse of life for thousands of Muslims in Illinois and beyond. Here’s a sneak preview: according to the report, 94% of the Illinois Muslim sample reported that it is important to them that their purchase decision be halal.
Stay tuned for the final insights, which will be presented at the Illinois Muslims Report launch event on July 28 from 4:00 to 5:15 CST. We hope to see you there!
Register here to attend via Zoom: Bit.ly/MuslimsReport22Zoom