CHICAGO, Illinois (March 8, 2010) This March and April 2010, Dr. Chaudry, president of Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), talks about the growing US halal market on Sky Radio Network. Nearly 20,000 US Airways international flights will air the interview of Dr. Chaudry, noted halal food consultant and co-author of “Halal Food Production,” where he shares what halal, a growing new food category, represents for the US economy. Sky Radio Network provides business, technology, and health programming to some of the largest airlines in the world, including United, America, Delta, US Airways, and Virgin America. This is the first time the network will feature a segment about halal and its growth in the USA.

“The US food manufacturing and hospitality industry are missing opportunities to service a growing domestic halal market,” says Dr. Chaudry. In his interview, Dr. Chaudry touches upon the requirements for halal certification, which includes the absence of pork and alcohol, among other qualifiers. Further, Dr. Chaudry also notes the burgeoning spending power of American Muslims estimated at around $170 billion US dollars.

Click here for the interview and here for the transcript or go to Sky Radio Inc.’s official website (



Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), is one of the world’s largest and well respected not-for-profit halal-certification agencies. Featured in various media such as the Wall Street Journal, Prepared Foods, and CNN, IFANCA has been relentless in promoting the institution of halal for the past 27 years. IFANCA was recognized in the Best Halal Related Service Provider Award by the Halal Journal at World Halal Forum 2007. IFANCA certified halal products are sold in nearly every country of the world and cover all food industry categories.

For more information about IFANCA, including locations throughout the world, visit www.ifanc​


Maria Omar
+1-773-283-3708 Ext: 222