CHICAGO, Illinois (November 2, 2015) — We are pleased to announce that the annual Chicago Muslim Turkey Drive is underway. The goal this year is to distribute 1,500 turkeys to families at the following Chicago locations:

  • Emmett Till Math and Science Academy
  • William Fiske Elementary School
  • Fairfield Academy
  • IMAN (Inner-City Muslim Action Network)

Please support the drive by donating one or more turkeys. The cost of each turkey is only $19.

In 2001, Ramadan coincided with the month of November. While Chicago’s Muslim community gave thanks as they broke their fast at the end of the day, they observed some neighbors unable to celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the traditional manner. In the spirit of sharing, Chicago’s Muslims banded together to provide turkeys to families in one Chicago neighborhood. What started with a modest goal of distributing 300 turkeys has grown to this year’s ambitious goal of distributing 1,500 turkeys at four locations.

Please make your tax deductible donation using our secure online PayPal account at or send a check to:

Sabeel Food Pantry
Turkey Drive
P O Box 535
La Grange, IL 60525

We are pleased to be able to facilitate the distribution of turkeys with the support of you and our sponsor organization, the Sabeel Food Pantry. We thank the staff at the Chicago Public Schools for allowing us to use their facility for the distribution and they thank you for making it possible. Indeed, a long-time staffer at our original school told us simply that the Turkey Drive has been the only charitable act of support the school has consistently received since 2001.

Jihad, Sofia, Faiz, Salman, and Asma
Turkey Drive Co-coordinators


Sabeel Food Pantry

Sabeel Food Pantry is an initiative of the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA®). Established in 2002, Sabeel Food Pantry helps meet the needs of food and other consumable items for deserving people. Located at 3031 W. Belmont Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, the pantry is open Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. Donations of non-perishable food and consumable items as well as funds are accepted. To donate or volunteer, visit Sabeel Food Pantry at